Wednesday 6 August 2008

Week in Review: We’re Finally Caught Up on ‘Mad Men’

Since it debuted last summer, all of our friends get been constantly on our case to watch Mad Men. "It's great!" they told us. "It stars a loveable asshole, was created by a bald dude, and airs on Sunday nights," three qualities that make it pretty much unmissable in our book. Problem was, with the day-to-day rigors of keeping up a culture blog, we never had a chance to look on the DVDs — until this calendar week, that is, when our nation's entertainers conspired to not pass water any actual news.

Sure, The Dark Knight broke a few records, a band of evil robots tested to wipe out humanity, and we accused New Yorker book critic James Woods of nurture an u. S. Army to rub out adjective-loving literati (a charge which he did not deny). But patch Ne-Yo e-mailed with Michael Jackson, Christian Bale talked smack to a buffoon, and Screech signed a deal to write what's sure to be the world's sterling tell-all, we still miraculously found time to get through half of the DVDs in the Mad Men box set by Wednesday! Man, that Pete Campbell is a total prick!

Also, Kirsten Dunst accused Johnny Depp of performing with earbuds, Chris Carter threatened to give J.J. Abrams a wedgie, Rick Ross forgot to say us he used to be a prison guard, and Joss Whedon and Neil Gaiman called to rap with us. Still, we soldiered on. With all the time we saved by not reading Catch-22, we even took a few book recommendations from Don Draper (did we mention he's precisely as bountiful in individual?). Anyway, we're finally caught up at present, so land on season two! We sure hope they have AMC in Canada.