Sunday 24 August 2008

Mp3 music: Govi


Artist: Govi: mp3 download


New Age
Latin: Flamenco


Govi's discography:

Jewel Box

 Jewel Box

   Year: 2006   

Tracks: 10
Saffron and Silk

 Saffron and Silk

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 9


   Year: 2002   

Tracks: 10
Your Lingering Touch

 Your Lingering Touch

   Year: 2001   

Tracks: 12
Seventh Heaven

 Seventh Heaven

   Year: 2000   

Tracks: 10
No Strings Attached

 No Strings Attached

   Year: 1999   

Tracks: 10
Andalusian Nights

 Andalusian Nights

   Year: 1999   

Tracks: 9
Passion and Grace

 Passion and Grace

   Year: 1995   

Tracks: 8


   Year: 1993   

Tracks: 9
Heart Of A Gypsy

 Heart Of A Gypsy

   Year: 1987   

Tracks: 9
Sky High

 Sky High

   Year: 1986   

Tracks: 6
Your Lingering Touch: Govi At His Romantic Best

 Your Lingering Touch: Govi At His Romantic Best


Tracks: 12

This California-based guitar musician was really born in Germany. His intake and vogue ar similar to that of another German immigrant, Deuter, wHO co-produced and performed on Govi's debut record album Sky High. Like Deuter, Govi worn out a bit of years living and perusal in India, where he added sitar to his vocabulary of acoustic and electric guitars, mandola, and cello.Govi's music gained in popularity in the 1990s, with the enlargement of peoples sentience of world music and a renewed passion for flamenco, spawning novel age strike albums like Andalusian Nights and Passion and Grace. His medicine is a easy, melodious combination of influences from round the world.

�Mad Men�: The Secrets Are Out

Thursday 14 August 2008

Jonas Brothers Cause A Mob Scene In NYC At Free Album-Release Concert

NEW YORK � The sounds of thunder and early-evening traffic were easily drowned out by the squeals of hundreds of fans gathered outside the Apple Store downtown on Tuesday. They were all eagerly wait to see a discharge performance by the Jonas Brothers, whose third album (and second with Disney's Hollywood Records), A Little Bit Longer, was released the same day.

Many fans had been waiting on the pavement for a long time. Julie Forkell and daughters Brooke, Hannah and Abby drove in from Philadelphia and were in line since Monday. "I've never done anything like this before," aforesaid 11-year-old Hannah. "It's actually been actually fun. We've been listening to our iPods, and I slept for a lot of the time. We've been just retention each other busy." Nine-year-old Abby was a small less patient. "It seems like [time] goes by so slow, because I'm so excited!"

Mom Julie said she used the go through to bond with her children. "I really like spending time with my kids. They're really in effect girls, and the Jonas Brothers ar just amazing. They're darlings." And, as Julie pointed out, they're very photogenic. "They make extremely wondrous wallpaper. As in, 'Let's cover up our fresh painted blue bedroom with about 10,000 magazine pictures of Nick and the crowd!' "

About an hour before the performance was scheduled to start, the skies over Manhattan open up, and a hard rain poured down on the fans for a solid 10 minutes. Twenty-two-year-old Ginno Murphy, wearing a garbage purse to keep dry, thought it was all worthwhile. "It's tolerant of cool to be a office of it. It's ripe to consider people so excited around a band."

Shortly before 8 p.m., the doors to the Apple Store were opened wide and fans were allowed in, one humble group at a clip. More than 500 hearing members took their places on the second floor of the store � a lucky few were able to score seating room directly in front of the stage, and the rest had to stand, corralled by the store's employees.

When Nick, Joe and Kevin eventually appeared, the place went wild. There was deal of screaming and as well a bit of exigent. The brothers hit the stage on with their backup musicians, and after a abbreviated thank-you to the fans from Joe, they launched into "That's Just the Way We Roll" from their self-titled second album. About an hour's worth of pop-rock music followed, including songs from all three JB albums.

During the opening parallel bars of "Year 3000," the band started to startle up and down in unison, and the fans did the same. The entire floor shook, and for a brief bit, this newsman thought the whole thing would make out crashing grim onto the first degree below.

Things calmed down a bit when Nick, commonly seen strapped to his guitar, sabbatum down at a forte-piano to whistle the title track from A Little Bit Longer, about what he experienced when he was first diagnosed with diabetes. "I want you to sing this with me as loud as you can," Nick told the audience mid-song. Of course, they obliged.

The performance ended with a lively rendition of "Burnin' Up," the first single from the new album. Then the brothers left, with the audience filing out shortly after.

"It was awful," 19-year-old Christine Soto aforementioned of the performance. Her best friend Lauren Kwong added: "It was worth the 12-hour wait!"

Fans wHO were unable to assist the event can download the performance on iTunes, but they'll have to hold out for a while: It won't be available until the holidays.

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Week in Review: We’re Finally Caught Up on ‘Mad Men’

Since it debuted last summer, all of our friends get been constantly on our case to watch Mad Men. "It's great!" they told us. "It stars a loveable asshole, was created by a bald dude, and airs on Sunday nights," three qualities that make it pretty much unmissable in our book. Problem was, with the day-to-day rigors of keeping up a culture blog, we never had a chance to look on the DVDs — until this calendar week, that is, when our nation's entertainers conspired to not pass water any actual news.

Sure, The Dark Knight broke a few records, a band of evil robots tested to wipe out humanity, and we accused New Yorker book critic James Woods of nurture an u. S. Army to rub out adjective-loving literati (a charge which he did not deny). But patch Ne-Yo e-mailed with Michael Jackson, Christian Bale talked smack to a buffoon, and Screech signed a deal to write what's sure to be the world's sterling tell-all, we still miraculously found time to get through half of the DVDs in the Mad Men box set by Wednesday! Man, that Pete Campbell is a total prick!

Also, Kirsten Dunst accused Johnny Depp of performing with earbuds, Chris Carter threatened to give J.J. Abrams a wedgie, Rick Ross forgot to say us he used to be a prison guard, and Joss Whedon and Neil Gaiman called to rap with us. Still, we soldiered on. With all the time we saved by not reading Catch-22, we even took a few book recommendations from Don Draper (did we mention he's precisely as bountiful in individual?). Anyway, we're finally caught up at present, so land on season two! We sure hope they have AMC in Canada.