Monday 2 June 2008

Madonna: 'Pharrell made me cry'

Madonna has revealed that producer Pharrell Williams reduced her to tears during the making of her recently-released �??Hard Candy�?? album.

�??He made me cry. I�??ve never told that to anybody!�?� the singer said during an interview in Cannes this week. �??You know when you get angry with someone and you start spitting snot?�?�

In an interview with ABC�??s �??Nightline�?? TV show which aired last night (May 22), Madonna explained she was in a sensitive mood, and did not like the way the producer spoke to her while she was recording vocals.

�??I was in a sensitive mood, I was singing and I didn�??t understand the rhythm that he wanted me to sing in, and he was kind of giving me a hard time and I was sort of taken aback by the way he was talking to me, so I said 'You know what? we need to talk'�?�, she said �??So we went upstairs and I�??m like �??You can�??t talk to me that way!�?? and then I just burst into tears and he was like �??Oh my god, Madonna has a heart!�??, and I was like �??What?!�?? and I started crying even more, and we had it out. Now I love him and we make great music together, but I think we had to go through that.�?�

The singer is in Cannes to promote her documentary �??I Am Because We Are�?? during the film festival.

--By our New York staff.
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